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Pulling Back The Curtain: What Are CBD Gummies?

CBD gummies look benign and taste good. But what’s really hiding inside the colorful edible candies?

As you’d expect, the gummies’ active ingredient is CBD, known chemically as cannabidiol. They may also contain other compounds commonly found in the hemp plant, depending on the type of CBD extract used; we’ll explain more about that shortly. There are also sweeteners, colorings, and ingredients that give the gummies their chewy consistency.

But what isn’t in CBD gummies is enough THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) to get you high. In fact, most manufacturers put CBD isolate into their CBD edibles, which means they contain none of the psychoactive cannabinoid.

And by law, even “full-spectrum” CBD products sold in the U.K. can only contain a maximum of 0.2% THC. That amount may enhance the apparent health benefits of cannabidiol, but it causes none of the euphoric or trippy effects associated with the use of recreational or medical marijuana.

Let’s look deeper into the ingredients, uses, and effects of CBD gummies.

What is CBD?

CBD sourced from hemp is a chemical compound in the cannabinoid family, and it’s one of more than 100 cannabinoids found in both the hemp and cannabis plants (which are close relatives). THC and CBD are the two best-known, but only the cannabis plant contains THC.

Cannabinoids interact with receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system, which controls many crucial human functions. Those include pain control, the control of emotions, immune response, temperature, and sleep. The cannabinoid THC affects the brain and nervous system in ways that CBD doesn’t, which is why THC produces psychoactive effects but CBD does not.

Cannabis is a controlled substance, making marijuana illegal in the UK (except for medical cannabis, which can be difficult to obtain) because of its high THC content.

However, the sale and use of cannabidiol from hemp have been legalised in Britain, as long as CBD products contain no more than 1mg of THC per container, usually about a 0.2% concentration. (The limit set by the US Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, is higher and currently set at 0.3%, although state laws in America can vary.)

The effects of CBD and its potential benefits, while still the subject of some medical debate, have made CBD extremely popular in the UK in recent years. We’ll explore that subject shortly.

Why Put CBD in Gummies?

Gelatin-based gummies were first created in Britain in 1864 by Fryers of Lancashire. The German company Haribo surged to industry prominence in the early 20th century, and after World War 2, Haribo was making several tons of gummy candies annually.

The candy’s popularity continued to grow; once gummy bears were introduced in America in the 1980s, gummies quickly became one of the biggest sellers in the “non-chocolate” market.

During that same period, “pot brownies” made with marijuana from the cannabis sativa plant had become a big hit in the stoner world. Other forms of cannabis edibles, including gummies, were eventually created as a more socially acceptable (and less smelly) way of using the substance, which was still illegal in most parts of the world.

The marriage of CBD and gummies was a natural. These CBD edibles are a simple, discreet, and tasty way to consume cannabidiol. They can be produced in many flavours. And most consumers are already quite familiar with and enjoy candy gummies. It wasn’t long before cannabidiol gummies were a preferred product among CBD users.

Types of CBD Extract

The CBD oil extracted from hemp plants (and used in CBD gummies) can be categorized in one of three ways, depending on the extraction method and what remains in the final product.

  • Full-spectrum CBD: Contains all of the cannabinoids and hemp’s other naturally occurring chemicals.
  • Broad-spectrum CBD: Similar to full-spectrum, but all traces of THC have been removed.
  • CBD isolate: Sometimes called pure CBD, all cannabinoids and compounds except cannabidiol have been removed.

Both full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD products are often labelled as “THC-free.” Most gummy manufacturers use CBD isolate in their products, but it’s important to check the product’s ingredient list so you know what you’re buying. Even full-spectrum cannabidiol won’t make you high, but there’s an outside chance that the THC might trigger a positive drug test.

The drug’s label should also include dosing guidelines since it can be complicated to figure out the right amount of CBD to use. Factors like the product’s concentration of CBD and the user’s desired effects factor into determining the right “daily dose of CBD.”

Possible Benefits of CBD Gummies

Research has only definitively established one clear therapeutic benefit of using cannabidiol, and it’s to treat the seizures caused by two rare forms of epilepsy, Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. The CBD medication used for that purpose, Epidiolex, is available through the NHS and is the only prescription medication made with CBD legal in Britain.

(Epidiolex should not be confused with Sativex, a cannabis-based mouth spray prescribed in the UK for muscle spasms, stiffness, and other symptoms of multiple sclerosis and also available via the NHS.)

That’s by no means the only apparent benefit of cannabidiol, even though research is still ongoing. Studies have shown CBD to be potentially beneficial for chronic pain relief and the treatment of many diseases and conditions, including:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Chemotherapy side effects such as nausea and vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases
  • Cerebral palsy and other motor diseases
  • Psychosis and schizophrenia
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Some forms of cancer including glioblastoma
  • Substance abuse

There has also been research implying that CBD may be beneficial for both brain and cardiac health and wellness.

However, it’s important to restate that none of these benefits have been firmly established and recognized by the medical establishment. Before using CBD, or any other medications or food supplements, you should always get expert medical advice from a healthcare professional, even if you’re considering their use for your general health and well-being.

Are There Options Other than CBD Gummies?

Cannabidiol can be administered in several other ways, including consuming CBD oil, capsules, and tinctures, mixing it into beverages like smoothies or coffee, vaping, or using topical products like lotions and creams.

However, chewing CBD gummies is the most convenient way to consume high-quality CBD — and the most delicious, too.

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